Property Records, Valuations, Sales and Rental Listings

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Asset Classes

Multifamily, Single Family Residential, Land

Topics Covered
  • Sales Comps
  • Lease Comps
  • Market Insights
  • Property Characteristics
  • Rental Listings
  • Sale Listings

The RentCast real estate and property data API provides information on 140+ million property parcels and real estate listings nationwide in the United States.

RentCast provides access to several data sets – property records (property attributes, features, tax assessments, last sale data, property owner data), property valuations (property value AVM, property rent AVM, sale comparables, rental comparables), property sale and rental listings (listing attributes, listing status, listing prices, listing dates), and aggregate rental market statistics (average rents, market composition, historical trends on a monthly periodicity).

Supported property types include residential single-family homes, condos, townhomes, manufactured homes, 2-4 unit multi-family buildings, 5+ unit commercial apartment buildings, and vacant land parcels.

About RentCast


RentCast has empowered thousands of small business and enterprise clients to enrich their real estate applications, business operations and workflows with real time property and rental data. RentCast launched in 2019 and is located in San Diego, California.

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