Capital Markets historical trend data going back to 2001 at metro, regional and national trend data with monthly, quarterly and annual resolution for all of their US Markets and all 8 Property Sectors. Data includes Metro, Regional and National figures for:
The trend data proves powerful for both market search/selection and Asset Management (Benchmark) use cases.
Search the industry’s leading database in real time, including closed and pending deals: $42 trillion of capital markets transactions, including sales, recapitalizations, financings, defaults, foreclosures, construction and mortgage debt.
How RCA Works
RCA + Cherre: Sample Case Studies - Using its expansive knowledge graph, Cherre can seamlessly integrate RCA data into existing workflows to power comprehensive market analysis and enable better decision-making.
MSCI Real Capital Analytics is the go-to universal data and analytics solution for global commercial real estate investing and transactions. Though it represents one of the largest capital markets asset classes, commercial real estate can be opaque and challenging to monitor. Having recorded over $40 trillion of commercial property transactions linked to over 200,000 investor and lender profiles, our granular data universe bridges the information gap, delivering the transparency you need to develop strategy, evaluate risk and execute deals.