Location Intelligence Platform

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Topics Covered
  • Demographics
  • Geosocial
  • Market Insights

Local Logic makes AI-powered software that optimizes real-estate projects for maximum affordability and minimal environmental impact, all the while generating healthy returns for the developers. This software is powered by the billions of insights we’ve generated over the years that describe all aspects of cities -- from the distance to the nearest bus stop, to the quietness on a street, to the most recent trends in the housing market. To date, we’ve helped millions of people find their next home by partnering with the top real estate brands in the US & Canada. We're continuing to grow fast in order to help city-builders across the continent make the cities of the future.

Local Logic Location Scores API: Up to 14 scores organized around three categories: Location Character, Services and Transportation. The scores are returned based on a Lat/Long and can represent 4 different levels: the specific address, the neighborhood (if relevant), the city or the metropolitan area.


  • Quiet
  • Parks
  • Vibrancy
  • Nightlife
  • Historic (where available)
  • Greenery (where available)


  • groceries
  • shopping
  • restaurants
  • coffee shops


  • Transit options
  • Car friendliness
  • Pedestrian friendliness
  • Bike friendliness (where available)

About Local Logic

Local Logic

Local Logic is a location intelligence platform that digitizes the built world for consumers, investors, developers, and governments – delivering unrivaled clarity and actionable insights capable of creating more sustainable, equitable cities. With more than 75 billion unique data points – the largest unique location data set in the U.S. and Canada – the platform creates a digital twin of cities, quantifying the built world and offering predictive, precise analytics to inform the present and future of over 250 million individual addresses.

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