Short-Term Rental Data and Analytics

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Asset Classes

Hospitality (hotel), Multifamily, Single Family Residential

Topics Covered
  • Lease Comps
  • Market Insights
  • Rental Listings
  • Short-Term Rentals
  • Valuations

Lighthouse offers the most comprehensive data across short-term rental, hotel and travel intent in the industry. Lighthouse data is available via: raw data, APIs, configurable dashboards, custom feeds and BigQuery Access. 

Raw Data Sets

1. Lighthouse Short Term Rental Performance Data

Publicly available indexed listing level short term rental/ vacation rental data from Airbnb*. Global coverage, key metrics include:

  • Availability
  • Number of bookings/ reservations
  • Price/ rate reserved
  • Price/ rate advertised
  • Revenue
  • RevPAR
  • Length of stay
  • Booking window

Daily aggregation, filterable by the specific date or time period. *The property must be listed on but the data is not limited to Airbnb. Property level raw data searchable by the unique ID of each property available on Airbnb. This file is matched with our Supply Data to complete the property profile.

2. Lighthouse Short Term Rental Supply Data

Publicly available indexed data from the world's largest OTAs (online travel agency): Airbnb, Vrbo & Booking. Global coverage, available at both the listing level and property level (by applying an in house deduplication method). Number of vacation rental listings per channel and cross listing % over time. Breakdown by all the property characteristics, such as:

  • OTA/ Channel
  • Property type (entire home, private room, shared room)
  • Property subtype (apartment, house, cabin, villa etc)
  • Amenities - Beds, bedrooms, guest capacity
  • Host analysis: professional or non professional property manager, property manager name
  • Minimum stay - etc.

Geographical fields:

  • Approximate address (latitude and longitude)
  • Zip code
  • City
  • County
  • State / Region
  • Country
  • Continent

3. Lighthouse Short Term Rental Review Data

Publicly available indexed review data from Airbnb. Global coverage, available at the listing level and guest profile. Insights include: review count, review score, review description, city and country of origin of the guest, destination of the stay etc.

Off the Shelf Solutions for Investors

  • Short Term Rental Investor Report: Highlights trends and unveils the evolving dynamics influencing the vacation rental industry.
  • Short Term Rental Impact Tracker: Measure the true impact of STR inventory and performance in certain markets. 
  • Return on Investment Calculator: Assess the revenue potential of any property as a short term rental, based on the most trusted database in the industry. Identify true rental arbitrage.
  • Rate Parity Analysis: Provides a benchmark to understand parity performance between proprietary platforms versus other OTAs.
  • Market Insight: Anticipate future market behaviour and understand shifting demand up to 365 days in advance. With data aggregated from a wide variety of sources including flight and hotel searches.

About Lighthouse (formerly Transparent)

Lighthouse (formerly Transparent)

Lighthouse offers the most comprehensive data across short-term rental, hotel and travel intent in the industry. Lighthouse data is available via: raw data, APIs, configurable dashboards, custom feeds and BigQuery Access.

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