Geospatial and Mapping Data

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Topics Covered
  • Aerial Imagery
  • Environmental
  • Geospatial
  • Building Footprint

Includes building footprints, area of the building, structure height, mean ground elevation, and land use code.

US 3D Building Footprints: The US 3D Building Footprints product provides GIS-ready building data to support a host of mapping and spatial analysis functions. Example applications include:

  • Broadband mapping: Accurately map and report fixed and mobile broadband coverage with unprecedented granularity.
  • Improved geocoding: Go beyond street level or parcel centroid based geocoding solutions to accurate building rooftop based locations.
  • Enhanced mobile marketing: Target your customers better based on their proximity to a building geofence.
  • Improved insurance underwriting: Use distance to buildings locations to understand and model property risk from floods, landslides, fire, utility lines, trees etc.
  • 5G planning: Create accurate models with 3D buildings for RF simulation.
  • City planning: Understand urban growth, map heat islands, conduct line of sight analysis, generate 3D building models etc.
  • Change analysis: Map buildings across different years to enable detailed insights into residential and commercial construction activity across time.
  • Building monitoring: Find and map unapproved structures by comparing building permit data to ground structures.
  • Population mapping: Use dasymmetric mapping with building footprints to map and visualize demographic data precisely across regions.

US Tree Map: Accurate and updated tree cover data is critical for effectively managing our tree resources. The US Tree Map (UTM) is the most detailed and up-to-date source of tree cover data for the country. It provides information on presence/absence of trees at 60 cm resolution, accurately capturing individual trees and small gaps in the forest. The data is refreshed annually to capture changes in tree cover due to deforestation, urbanization, land-use change and natural disasters.

US Impervious Map: Accurate and updated data on built-up surfaces is critical for understanding the growth of urbanization and it's impact on the health of ecosystems. The US Impervious Map is the most detailed and up-to-date mapping of impervious surfaces across the contiguous United States. It provides information on the presence or absence of impervious features at 1-meter resolution, accurately capturing built-up surfaces like buildings, roads, sidewalks, parking lots, airports, etc. as a single impervious class. The data is refreshed annually to capture changes in the built environment.

US Land Cover: EarthDefine's US Land Cover on demand product provides high-resolution land cover mapping for any area in the contiguous United States. Our proprietary AI can deliver over 95% accurate high-resolution (60 cm) land cover data typically within days of placing an order. We can also provide a historical snapshot of land cover by classifying older aerial imagery from our data archive.

US Parking Lots: Over 6.3 million parking spaces and AI derived outdoor parking map

  • Built-up areas are in constant change. We acquire new imagery every year to update the parking lots database.
  • Our AI is trained to accurately map outdoor parking spaces that are over 1000 sq. feet.
  • Detailed street addresses can be added to all parking lots
  • Acquire adjoining building footprints to understand spatial relationships.

About EarthDefine


EarthDefine is focused on transforming earth sensor data into consumable geospatial information products for numerous applications in the private and government sectors. We deploy image processing workflows that exploit advancements in computer vision and artificial intelligence (AI) to extract ground cover information from aerial imagery and other sensor data. We have built the largest high-resolution baseline tree canopy and land cover database for the coterminous United States through our US Tree Map and Land Cover products. We also provide location intelligence data through our US Building Footprints data layer that maps all structures in the continental United States.

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